Our fundraising effort for new playground equipment at Wilshire Park is going well, but you can help us reach even more people by spreading the word! Please follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/FriendsofWilshirePark and Instagram at instagram.com/friendsofwilshirepark. If you’re coming to our big fundraiser party at The Wiggle Room on July 28, please go to our Facebook event page and click “Going.” This will mean that your friends will be more likely to see this event in their own timeline, and that means more attendees and more direct donations.
You can also help in a more low-tech way. Here are some posters that you can either share online or print out and post at local businesses or even the window of your car as you drive around town.
This poster will fill an ordinary 8.5 by 11 sheet of paper:
And this page has four small versions of the flyer, which can be cut up and used as a small poster or a handout:
This one is square-shaped, making it perfect for Instagram, Twitter or Facebook:
As always, these posters will be archived on our Resources page so you can find them when you need them.