Press Release: Mulch Day



PORTLAND, OREGON — On Saturday, October 6, from 8 am to 12 pm, volunteers will prepare the soil at the new NatureSpace at Wilshire Park. This work follows up from last week’s successful installation of a split rail fence surrounding the site by volunteers and employees of Portland Parks and Recreation. The NatureSpace was designed by community volunteers and is funded by grants from the Community Watershed Stewardship Program and the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District as well as generous donations from local neighbors and businesses.

This project seeks to improve the watershed and natural low and mid-level understory habitat of Wilshire park with thoughtfully planned native plant landscaping that will provide habitat for birds and pollinators and an opportunity for park visitors to discover a native habitat and the animals that make it home.

“The Friends of Wilshire Park was formed so that local residents can have a stronger voice in the quality of Wilshire Park,” said Gary Hancock, a teacher in Portland and President of Friends of Wilshire Park. “The NatureSpace project will add more beauty and diversity to our already beautiful park.”

Located between the park’s pavilion and picnic area, the NatureSpace will provide an opportunity for park visitors to explore native plants and the habitats they provide for insects and birds. The site has also been turned into a science experiment by the Biology department at Beaumont Middle School, with students visiting periodically to count species diversity and track the health of the soil. As a more practical effect, the native plants will help Wilshire Park absorb rainwater, making walking paths and the jogging track less muddy.

This volunteer day is particularly aimed at families with children, who will bring toy buckets and shovels and work alongside their adult neighbors to spread mulch over the site. “Children can do quite a lot,” said Tiffney Townsend, Secretary of Friends of Wilshire Park. “It’s never too early to give them a chance to serve their community, and this is their park too.”

Friends of Wilshire Park will have its next meeting on Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 7:00 pm at Bethany Lutheran Church, 4330 NE 37th Avenue. Topics will include fundraising to replace equipment in the toddler play area, making improvements to the dog park, and preparing for the installation of native plants in the NatureSpace on November 10.

Friends of Wilshire Park is a grassroots organization of neighbors in Northeast Portland dedicated to preserving and improving the beauty and usefulness of Wilshire Park


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